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Crossing borders trouble-free

Making Vat Rep Info your fiscal representative helps you to avoid difficult procedures so your goods can cross borders without any problems.

You have to pay VAT on goods that are imported into the Netherlands. Vat Rep Info can file the necessary returns on your behalf. Appointing us as your fiscal representative enables your company to use a Dutch VAT number.

Payment of VAT not required when goods arrive
The advantage of operating via a fiscal representative is that you do not have to pay VAT when your goods arrive in the Netherlands. You can transfer the amount owed to a VAT return that we can file on your behalf.

Fiscal representation
Vat Rep Info can act as your general fiscal representative for goods that are sold on the consumer market (B2C) and we can act as your limited fiscal representative for goods that are sold on the business market (B2B). The advantage of fiscal representation is that you do not need to be domiciled in the European Union.

Goods in stock
If you wish to import goods into the Netherlands and place them in temporary storage before forwarding them to their final destination, we can make the arrangements for you. Vat Rep Info can assist you with storing goods in a customs warehouse.

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